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Norah Jones: New York City

 A l b u m   D e t a i l s

Label: Koch Records
Released: 2003.07.08
Category: Jazz
Producer(s): Peter Malick
Rating: *******... (7/10)
Media type: CD
Web address: www.norahjones.com
Appears with:
Purchase date: 2004.03.04
Price in €: 13,99

 S o n g s ,   T r a c k s

[1] New York City (P.Malick) - 5:07
[2] Strange Transmissions (P.Malick) - 4:08
[3] Deceptively Yours (P.Malick) - 4:18
[4] All Your Love (S.Maghett) - 4:35
[5] Heart of Mine (B.Dylan) - 5:08
[6] Things You Don't Have to Do (P.Malick) - 3:12
[7] New York City [Radio Edit] (P.Malick) - 3:50

 A r t i s t s ,   P e r s o n n e l

NORAH JONES - Piano, Vocals

PETER MALICK - Guitar, Vocals, Producer, Liner Notes
TOM WEST - Piano
DANNY MCGOUGH - Hammond B3 Organ, Mellotron, Wurlitzer
MIKE THOMPSON - Piano, Accordion

HUGH FORDIN - Executive Producer
DUCKY CARLISLE - Engineer, Mixing
NATE DUBE - Engineer
DAN O'LEARY - Production Coordination
JEFF CHENAULT - Art Direction, Design

 C o m m e n t s ,   N o t e s

2003 CD Koch 8678

Das Label über die CD

New York City ist die Stadt, in der alles begann. Gitarrist und Singer/Songwriter Peter Malick entdeckte die blutjunge Norah Jones in einem Lower East Side Club und erkannte auf der Stelle das große Talent dieser Sängerin, die unnachahmliche Anziehungskraft ihrer Stimme, den Charme ihres Vortrags. Peter Malick entdeckte eine junge Frau, die bald darauf nicht nur NYC, nicht nur die USA, sondern die ganze Welt mit ihrer Musik begeistern sollte.

Peter und Norah freundeten sich an, gingen zusammen auf Tour, hatten damit so überraschenden Erfolg, dass sie die Zusammenarbeit im Studio fortsetzten und 6 Songs aufnahmen. Bevor diese Aufnahmen das Licht der Welt erblickten, überstürzten sich die Ereignisse, Norah wurde von Blue Note unter Vertrag genommen und nahm ihr mit 5 Grammy Awards (für u.a. Album des Jahres, Bester Neuer Künstler, Single des Jahres) geradezu überschüttetes Debüt-Album "Come Away With Me" auf. Sie wurde damit weltweit zum erfolgreichsten Newcomer 2002 im Musikbusiness. Eine natürliche, wunderschöne Singer/Songwriterin mit ihren intim klingenden Songs zwischen Folk, Jazz, Country und Pop.

Ganz und gar Norah Jones ist auch die Aufnahme "New York City". Warme, ehrliche Songs, etwas stärker die bluesige Seite Norah's betonend, R&B in schönster amerikanischer Tradition, handfeste Gitarrenriffs von Peter Malick, die den zarten Ton der Sängerin noch hervorheben.

The story goes that, in 2000, while pianist/vocalist Norah Jones was playing regularly at the Living Room in New York's Lower East Side and well before she earned eight Grammys, she received an invitation to sing some blues with guitarist Peter Malick and his band. Reluctantly, Jones admitted to a paucity of blues-singing experience. Thankfully, Malick was persistent. Listening to the rootsy, organic beauty evidenced on New York City, you'd never know Jones hadn't ever sung the blues. Inspired by the classic work of artists such as Ray Charles and Billie Holiday, New York City is a kind of singer/songwriter blues album featuring Jones' particularly haunting vocal style. It's more mainstream than Come Away With Me, but fans of that album should cotton easily to Jones' work here. Conceptualized around the post-9/11 title track, most of Malick's songs are contemporary blues reminiscent of the work of Bonnie Raitt and Eric Clapton. Notably, "Strange Transmissions," a melancholy and atmospheric profession of a love that just can't be denied, showcases Jones as mellow blues diva, while "Heart of Mine" finds the pianist's breathy style perfectly suited to the Bob Dylan nugget. As for leader Malick, he takes the vocal duties on "Things You Don't Have to Do" and graces most of the tracks with his thoughtful and tempered guitar sound.

Matt Collar - All-Music Guide, © 1992 - 2004 AEC One Stop Group, Inc.

Peter Malick is a very lucky guy. Sure, he’s a talented guitarist and songwriter, but it’s in his choice of friends that fate has smiled on him. Just a few years before she hit it big, singer Norah Jones and Malick worked together, and in 2000 they recorded the tracks for what eventually became New York City. Considering that Jones would soon cut Come Away with Me, Malick’s project -- basically an extended EP at a smidgen over a half hour -- captures the singer right on the cusp of vocal maturity. In fact, the mellow-grooving title track, offered in both an extended version and a radio-friendly edit, sounds as if it could fit nicely on Jones’s breakout debut. Malick’s own promising material fits Jones beautifully, as does an inspired cover of Bob Dylan’s “Heart of Mine.” And anyone who longs to hear Jones sing the blues will be in luck: On Magic Sam’s “All Your Love” the gamine singer gets downright down-and-dirty.

William Pearl - Barnes and Noble

There are unearthed chestnuts here.... Any new Norah (even if this isn't exactly new) is good Norah.

Wes Orshoski - Billboard

The talented Norah Jones came to New York and got famous in spectacular, multi-platinum fashion. So it's inevitable that recordings she made before she hit it big are starting to come to the fore. Case in point, this CD by lyricist/songwriter/guitarist Peter Malick. Malick recorded these tunes with Jones in 2000 (when she was just 21), along with four other singers (Jess Klein, Kirsten Proffit, Antje Duvekot, and his daughter Mercy). Stylistically, Malick's music is a radio-friendly blend of country and pop, with just a tinge of jazz, the same kind of genre that launched Jones on her Blue Note debut. The material is mostly about love, longing, and big city life. While all of the singers have basically the same style, the six tracks with Jones's standout. Except for the slow blues number, "All of Your Love," and the organ-fueled up-tempo rocker, "Deceptively Yours," the rest of the guitar-centric music is in the mid-tempo meter. And, yes, Jones sounds the same on the quirky "Strange Transmissions" and the Nashville-nuanced "Heart of Mine" as she does now. Kudos to Mr. Malick for being in the right place and the right studio at the right time.

Eugene Holley, Jr. - Amazon.com

Anyone who's ever wanted to hear Jones raise her temperature from simmer to sizzle will welcome 'New York City.'

Boston Herald

Her (Norah Jones') grainy, older-than-her-years sultriness is so perfectly received and sent out again, it's impossible to dislike.

Rolling Stone

Die talentierte Norah Jones kam nach New York und wurde auf spektakuläre Weise mit einem Multiplatin-Album berühmt. Es ist daher nicht verwunderlich, dass jetzt Aufnahmen, die sie vor diesem Erfolg gemacht hat, zum Vorschein kommen. Wie diese CD mit dem Songschreiber und Gitarristen Peter Malick. Malick nahm diese Melodien mit Jones im Jahr 2000 auf. Beteiligt waren vier weitere Sängerinnen (Jess Klein, Kirsten Proffit, Antje Duvekot und Malicks Tochter Mercy). Stilistisch ist Malicks Musik eine radiofreundliche Mischung von Blues, Country und Pop, mit einem Touch Jazz, die gleiche Art von Musik, die Norah Jones später auf Come Away With Me präsentierte. Es geht im Wesentlichen um Liebe, Sehnsucht und das Leben in einer Großstadt. Außer dem langsamen Bluesstück "All Of Your Love" und dem von der Orgel angetriebenen flotten Rocker "Deceptively Yours" handelt es sich bei dem Rest um gitarrenbasierte Stücke im Mid-Tempo-Bereich. Und Norah Jones klingt bei dem quirligen "Strange Transmissions" und dem an Nashville erinnernden "Heart Of Mine" schon genau so gut wie heute. Mr. Malick verdient unsere Anerkennung, dass er zur rechten Zeit am richtigen Ort und im richtigen Studio war.

Eugene Holley, Jr. - Aus der Amazon.de-Redaktion

Sonnenschein, eine leichte Brise, ein Segelboot weit draußen auf dem Meer, dazu die sanften Wogen des Titelsongs: langweilig? Nur für jene, die sich nicht für die wunderbare, leicht raue Stimme von Norah Jones begeistern können. Was Tempo und Kreativität angeht, stechen nur "Deceptively yours" und "Things you don't have to do" hervor. Das mit dem Mainstream flirtende Bluespopjazz- Mini-Album nahmen Malick und Jones schon 2000 auf - noch bevor die Sängerin ihren mit fünf Grammys ausgezeichneten Megaseller "Come away with me" im Kasten hatte. Riecht verdächtig nach kommerzieller Trittbrettfahrerei.

(jsa) - Kulturnews

 L y r i c s


I can't remember what I planned tomorrow
I can't remember when it's time to go
When I look in the mirror
Tracing lines with a pencil
I remember what came before

I wanted to think there was endless love
Until I saw the light dim in your eyes
In the dead of the night I found out
Sometimes there's love that won't survive

New York City
Such a beautiful disease
New York City
Such a beautiful,
Such a beautiful disease

Laura kept all her disappointments
Locked up in a box behind her closet door
She pulled the blinds and listened to the thunder
With no way out from the family store

We all told her things could get better
When you just say goodbye
I'll lay awake one more night
Caught in a vision I want to deny

And did I mention the note that I found
Taped to my locked front door
It talked about no regrets
As it slipped from my hand to the scuffed tile floor

I rode the train for hours on end
And watched the people pass me by
It could be that it has no end
Just an action junkie's lullaby

New York City

We were full of the stuff that every dream rested
As if floating on a lumpy pillow sky
Caught up in the whole illusion
That dreams never pass us by
Came to a tattoed conclusion
That the big one was knocking on the door
What started as a mass delusion
Would take me far from the place I adore

New York City


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Heart of mine,
Be still
You can play with fire,
But you'll get the bill
Don't let him know
Don't let him know that you love him
Oh, don't be a fool, don't be blind
Heart of mine

Heart of mine,
Go back home
You've got no reason to wander
No reason to roam
Don't let him see
Don't let him see that you need him
Oh, don't push yourself over the line
Heart of mine


Heart of mine,
Go back where you been
The only trouble with you
Is if you let him in
Don’t let him hear
Don't let him hear where you're goin'
Oh, I'm tired of ties that bind
Heart of mine


Heart of mine,
So malicious and so full of guile
I give you an inch
And you take a mile
Don't let yourself fall
Don't let yourself stumble
Oh, do the time, don't do the crime
Heart of mine

Heart of mine…

Oh, oh, oh…

Heart of mine…


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I can't remember what I planned tomorrow
I can't remember when it's time to go
When I look in the mirror
Tracing lines with a pencil
I remember what came before

I wanted to think there was endless love
Until I saw the light dim in your eyes
In the dead of the night I found out
Sometimes there's love that won't survive

New York City
Such a beautiful disease
New York City
Such a beautiful,
Such a beautiful disease

Laura kept all her disappointments
Locked up in a box behind her closet door
She pulled the blinds and listened to the thunder
With no way out from the family store

We all told her things could get better
When you just say goodbye
I'll lay awake one more night
Caught in a vision I want to deny

And did I mention the note that I found
Taped to my locked front door
It talked about no regrets
As it slipped from my hand to the scuffed tile floor

I rode the train for hours on end
And watched the people pass me by
It could be that it has no end
Just an action junkie's lullaby

New York City

We were full of the stuff that every dream rested
As if floating on a lumpy pillow sky
Caught up in the whole illusion
That dreams never pass us by
Came to a tattoed conclusion
That the big one was knocking on the door
What started as a mass delusion
Would take me far from the place I adore

New York City

 M P 3   S a m p l e s

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