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Roger Hodgson
was born in England in the year 1950. He started playing the guitar
when he was 12 when he inherited his dad's guitar and was taught to
play by one of his teachers at boarding school. He started writing
songs almost immediately and gave his first concert at the school
playing all his own songs. He was 13. Roger also taught himself to play
the piano and he feels that his love of music got him through his
school years which were not easy for him.
After he left school in 1969, he met another musician, Rick Davies, and formed the band Supertramp. After five years of struggling to make it, the band's third album Crime of the Century went to number one in England, with Roger's song “Dreamer ” hitting number one on the pop charts.
When he was 25, Roger came to America on tour with Supertramp and fell in love with California where he ended up making his home. A year later, Roger's song “Give a Little Bit” — a song he had written when he was a teenager — became a big hit in America and around the world. In 1979, Supertramp's next album Breakfast in America went to number one in every country of the world, staying there for most of the year and eventually becoming one of the biggest selling albums of all time.
In 1983, at the height of Supertramp's success, Roger announced that he was leaving the band. The following year he released his first solo album In the Eye of the Storm which achieved great international success. But by this time, Roger had a family with two young children, and he made the decision not to tour but to stay at home and enjoy his kids growing up.
Ever since he was very young Roger felt there was a deeper meaning to life than what he was being taught and he expressed a lot of this soul-searching through his music. His songs brought a whole new exciting dimension to rock music. His timeless melodies, with words that express a yearning for inner peace and a longing to come home, have become a voice for many who feel the same way. Songs like “Give a Little Bit”, “The Logical Song”, “Dreamer” and “Take the Long Way Home” continue to send messages of love and hope that touch a special place in people's hearts; Roger has become one of the most loved and gifted songwriters of all time.
With his children now grown and his son Andrew pursuing his own musical career, Roger is once again performing world-wide, both solo and with orchestras, as well as composing new music. He is happier than he has ever been and the music that he is writing reflects his re-awakened creativity and passion for life.
Roger feels his life has been very blessed and realizes the
fulfillment and joy that comes from giving back to life. He has always
supported many charities and environmental organizations and is now
deeply involved in fundraising for the Tsunami Relief efforts, offering
his song “Give a Little Bit” in the hope it will inspire
people to reach out and get involved.
He believes the simple message of this song is one that is universal:
Give a little bit of your love to me
I'll give a little bit of my love to you
Now's the time that we need to share,
Send a smile and show you care.
... and that a loving and caring heart is what makes us feel good inside and is truly what makes the world a better place.
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