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Duran Duran: Pop Trash

 A l b u m   D e t a i l s

Artist: Duran Duran
Title: Pop Trash
Released: 2000.06.12
Label: Hollywood Records Inc.
Time: 59:16
Producer(s): TV MANIA
Appears with:
Category: Pop/Rock
Rating: ***....... (3/10)
Media type: CD
Purchase date:  2001.04.21
Price in €: 3,99
Web address: www.duranduran.com

 S o n g s ,   T r a c k s

[1] Someone Else Not Me (Cuccurullo/Lebon/Rhodes) - 4:48
[2] Lava Lamp (Cuccurullo/Lebon/Rhodes) - 3:54
[3] Playing With Uranium (Cuccurullo/Lebon/Rhodes) - 3:51
[4] Hallucinating Elvis (Cuccurullo/Lebon/Rhodes) - 5:26
[5] Starting to Remember (Cuccurullo/Lebon/Rhodes) - 2:38
[6] Pop Trash Movie (Cuccurullo/Rhodes) - 4:55
[7] Fragment (Cuccurullo/Lebon/Rhodes) - 0:49
[8] Mars Meets Venus (Cuccurullo/Lebon/Rhodes) - 3:08
[9] Lady Xanax (Cuccurullo/Lebon/Rhodes) - 4:55
[10] The Sun Doesn't Shine Forever (Cuccurullo/Lebon/Rhodes) - 4:51
[11] Kiss Goodbye (Cuccurullo/Lebon/Rhodes) - 0:41
[12] Last Day on Earth (Cuccurullo/Lebon/Rhodes) - 4:27
[13] Someone Else Not Me ["En Español"] (Cuccurullo/Lebon/Rhodes) - 4:16

 A r t i s t s ,   P e r s o n n e l

GREGG BISSONETTE - Drums, Art Direction
LUIS CONTE - Percussion, Art Direction
WARREN CUCCURULLO - Guitar, Art Direction
SIMON LEBON - Vocals, Art Direction
NICK RHODES - Keyboards, Art Direction
JOHN TONKS - Drums, Electronic Percussion, Art Direction

MARK TINLEY - Programming, Engineer
TV MANIA - Mixing
MICHAEL TULLER - Programming
JOHN AGUTO - Engineer
GREG GOLDMAN - Engineer, Assistant Engineer
MATT SILVA - Assistant Engineer
ANDREW DAY - Art Direction, Design, Photography

 C o m m e n t s ,   N o t e s

2000 CD Hollywood 162266
2000 CS Hollywood 162266

This album showcases a Duran Duran that is but a hollow shell of the band that enjoyed pop successes in the early '80s. Only Simon LeBon and Nick Rhodes remain from the original lineup — Warren Cuccurullo, who has been featured on several recent Duran Duran albums, joins them to make a trio. Some of the smooth, spacy ballads that were characteristic of their 1993 self-titled release show up here, but more often than not LeBon is lost in a swamp of overproduction. Completely absent from this music was the aggressiveness and sexuality that made early Duran Duran great — kinder, gentler records could probably be expected from the band as they age, but this album feels careless and flabby instead of introspective. Notable exceptions include the ascorbic "Mars Meets Venus," which skewers the American self-help movement over Bowie-influenced dance-pop beats, and the delicate if slightly sappy "Lady Xanax."

Stacia Proefrock, All-Music Guide

Man erinnere sich an die rosa Jacketts von Simon Le Bon, Roger, John und Andy Taylor und Nick Rhodes, an die hochgekrempelten Ärmel, den Lippenstift, es war das optische Grauen! Aber bis zur Mitte der 80er Jahre war Duran Duran DIE Band, Lieblingsgruppe von Lady Di, Covermodels des Rolling Stone (Unterzeile: "Fab Five"), Hits wie "Rio", "Save A Prayer", "The Reflex" und vor allem der James-Bond-Titelsong "A View To A Kill", weltweit Nummer eins, adelten das musikalische Quintett aus England. Nach und nach wurde es still um die Band, wenn diese auch lauter wurden. Künstlerisch zwar furchtbar korrekt, akustisch aber bis zur Unverständlichkeit experimentierten Duran Duran quer durchs Sounduniversum. Natürlich kamen noch Hits wie "I Don't Want Your Love" oder "Ordinary World", 1995 noch eine Cover-CD, dann Unpluggged-Versionen alter Hits und Greatest Hits. Die Luft schien raus, was nach 60 Mio. verkauften Scheiben nicht weiter schlimm war. Mit Pop Trash aber überraschen Duran Duran ihre ärgsten Kritiker: eine Reise durch die Musik, getragene, träumerische Melodien im modernen Gewand ("Someone Else Not Me", "Lady Xanax"), Glamrock ("Lava Lamp"), dessen Elemente sich durch viele Songs ziehen, Robot-Sounds ("Hallucinating Elvis"), Akustisches ("Starting To Remember", "Pop Trash Movie"), Metallisches ("Last Day On Earth") Meditatives ("Fragment"), Schräg-rockiges im Elektrogewand ("Mars Meets Venus"), beatleske Harmonien ("The Sun Doesn`t Shine Forever"), kurz ein amüsanter und virtuoser Ausflug durch die Genres, aber auch durch die genialen, rasant-kurvigen Gehirnwindungen der drei verbliebenen Duran-Duran-Herren Le Bon, Rhodes und Warren Cuccurullo, begleitet von leichter Weltuntergangsstimmung, Pop ja, aber Trash?

Kati Hofacker, Amazon.de

Populär PRO & CONTRA DURAN DURAN Pop Trash (Edel) Nächstes Jahr werden sie zwanzig, die Duranies; und alt hören sie sich auch an - ja: alt. Auf ihrer neuen CD gibt's Musik für VH-1-Gucker. Von der Originalbesetzung befinden sich nur noch Simon Le Bon und Nick Rhodes an Bord (klingt gut). Der erste singt wie früher, nur etwas energieloser (leider auch so beschissene Texte wie "I was hallucinating Elvis ..."), und der zweite ist hoffentlich nicht für das grausige Programming verantwortlich (obwohl: einer muß es ja verbrochen haben, und er ist schließlich der Keyboarder). Das Schlimmste ist aber der vor zehn Jahren an Bord (toll) gekommene Warren Cuccurullo mit seiner fiesen, schnöde schweinerockenden Gitarre. Ja, es tut mir weh, wenn ich aus Songs den Aerosmith-Bombast triefen höre ("The Sun Doesn't Shine Forever") oder Smashing Pumpkins-Queen-Poppunk-Bastarde ("Last Day On Earth") mir weismachen wollen, Duran Duran seien wieder jung und wild geworden, neulich. Wer sich bis hierher durchgelesen hat, erfährt jetzt aber doch noch die Wahrheit: Sieht man von den genannten Schwächen ab, nimmt eine Gitarre zur Hand und singt sich die Songs (gerade die ruhigen) vor dem Schlafengehen selbst vor, findet man sie doch noch, die Edelpopqualitäten, die man sich gewünscht, erträumt, ja, als alter Fan ersehnt hat. Oder bin ich nur schon eingeschlafen? GAUTSCH Gautsch? Was erlaube Gautsch? - Nie fühlte ich mich so bestärkt in meiner Ablehnung des Meinungspluralismus' wie gerade jetzt. Doch dies leider ist ein freies Land, und da muß man wohl oder übel auch mal argumentieren können. Also, "Pop Trash" ist eine neue Platte. Kein best of Duran Duran in the early eighties. Kein best of Deine Jugend. Damit sage ich nicht, betrachtet dieses Album out of Kontext oder out of sexy hedo-cracker-past-tense. Dennoch, blendet man den obligatorischen Flashback, der sich beim Hören des Bandnamens einstellt, nur etwas aus, nutzt "Pop Trash" seine Chance. Dann kommen sie, die neuen Songs, und regieren auf eine eher lakonische Art, die die zwei konträren Items des Titels ganz nonchalant verbindet. Pop. Trash. Selbstinszenierung meets Selbstironie. Klar, das Chartbooming bleibt wohl aus. Dafür sind mittlerweile andere zuständig. Aber Duran Durans Rückmeldung klingt dennoch stolz und glamourös. Sicher, das verzerrte Gitarrenspiel ist nicht gerade Sophistication pur und gemahnt weniger an 80er-Pop-Biz als zum Beispiel an Johnny Marrs aktuellen Output mit Electronic. Nichts muß sein, wie es war. Um die Platte goutieren zu können, muß man lediglich in Kauf nehmen, daß man doch auch selbst ein alter Sack geworden ist. Und wer Duran Duran nur aus Erzählungen der Eltern kennt, sollte sich eventuell erst noch mal ein paar Jahre an Hip Hop abarbeiten, bevor er sich dieses verdammt abgehangene Meisterwerk zutraut. LINUS VOLKMANN

Gautsch / Intro - Musik & so
mehr unter www.intro.de

Imagine how startling it must be for Simon LeBon and Nick Rhodes to realize that the older sector of once devoted, poster-kissing Duranies have aged enough to be soccer moms. The last two remaining members of the '80s superband hit and often missed throughout the '90s, but with Pop Trash, grown-up fans will find a reinvigorating pop album that strikes a nearly perfect balance between hip factor and maturity. The band backpedals from the overtaxing techno of the 1997 sleeper release Medazzaland, but retains a few well-chosen synth overlays and combines them successfully with the oceanic balladry from 1993's The Wedding Album. "Someone Else Not Me" and "Pop Trash Movie" reclaim the beautiful soundscapes of The Wedding Album's "Ordinary World," while the heavier tracks work diet industrial ("Mars Meets Venus") and heavy-metal riffs with weird time signatures ("Last Day on Earth") into proper Duran Duran bombast. There are moments when the band overruns the age-appropriate mark: "Lady Xanax," an ode to the anxiety-relieving medication, symbolizes a tempering of their fast and furious lifestyle, but then again, who has time for street drugs when you have to get the kids home in time for dinner?

Beth Massa, Amazon.com

When you think of distinctive voices in music, such prestigious names as Bob Dylan and Billie Holiday come to mind. But for those on the verge of ripening adolescence in the early '80s, one of the more easily recognizable voices was that of Simon Le Bon. With an expressive nasal croon and a name that sounded like something straight out of some obscure French sex romp, Le Bon and the rest of his Duran cohorts charmed their way up the charts. But was it just charisma, hair mousse, and hormones? Or did the boys from Birmingham really have the chops to be top of the pops? The current lineup of Le Bon, keyboardist Nick Rhodes, and guitarist Warren Cuccurullo returns with Pop Trash, a record that tries to recapture the surprise success of 1993's comeback album, Duran Duran 2, which rendered such grown-up, soft rock hits as "Ordinary World" and "Come Undone." When it succeeds, it comes awfully close, especially on the plaintive, mature ballad "Someone Else Not Me" and the un-ironic slow rocker, "Pop Trash Movie." When it doesn't, we're left with such superficial pseudo-dance rubbish as "Hallucinating Elvis" and the not-as-offensive "Mars Meets Venus." Musically, the members of Duran Duran are still glam revivalists of sorts, while lyrically they traverse the already-surveyed territory of sci-fi, pop culture, and models, though now, the focus seems to be more on failed relationships with models. The pleasant surprise is that, after all the personnel changes, Duran Duran still has its characteristic sound and charisma, if not as much hair-styling product.

Michelle Kleinsak - June 23, 2000
CDNOW Editorial Assistant

Back in the '80s, Duran Duran held the synth-pop chintz-gold cup, enchanting the MTV nation with their frosty-haired, model-boy good looks and their suggestively unbuttoned linen shirts. The original boys of Duran Duran - Simon Le Bon, Nick Rhodes, and Andy, John, and Roger Taylor - were an overly romantic, latter-day Beatles - at least to their legions of teeny bopper fans whose unbridled enthusiasm recalled Beatlemania But then what happened? Time, alas, passes, musical tastes change, and even though the band that rode the music-video wave from its inception kept on pumping out albums, they became outmoded, yesterday's band. Pop Trash, their 12th album, is the group's best in years. With all-over-the-place references, throbbing beats, and existential lyrics, Pop Trash plays Lemuel Gulliver to Duran Duran's earlier incarnation as an eye-shadow-wearing Casanova. Not to worry: The eye shadow's still there, only now there's also humor, compassion, melancholy, and grand-scale cultural disgust thrown in. Having played together now for a decade, the new Duran Duran, which consists of Le Bon, Rhodes, and former Zappa guitarist Warren Cuccurullo, feels like an altogether new band. Pop Trash does contain some glaring echoes - Moby, Radiohead, the Cure, anyone? And what should we make of the new Durans riding the Latin music wave? "Someone Else Not Me," the dual-language song in question, isn't as catchy or monumental as "Hungry Like the Wolf." "Lava Lamp" is a psychedelic-style tour de force, and "Starting to Remember" might even (seriously) make you cry. The album's best songs ("Hallucinating Elvis," "Playing With Uranium," "Mars Meets Venus," "Lady Xanax") are also its most multifaceted. They're packed with contrasting rhythms, and therein lies why Pop Trash should top the charts (in every language) but probably won't. No single Pop Trash song is obvious hit material. They're all too dark, funny, or incomprehensible. Taken as a whole, unlike Play or OK Computer, Pop Trash never quite gels. It goes off in so many directions you'd get dizzy trying to follow each one. It's a musicologist's fantasy, a kind of user's manual to pop music. Sample a little and learn a lot. "Pop Trash Movie," the band's symphonic homage to Andy Warhol, sums it up best: "We'll all be famous for those 15 minutes part of a celluloid dream we star in every scene and it's never quite what it seems never." And Pop Trash confirms that for those minutes following the original quarter hour's expiration, Duran Durran still have a lot to say.

© 1999 Viacom International Inc. All Rights Reserved.
VH1 Online

 L y r i c s


Now while the beat is slow
Here in your arms I sway
Now that the light is low
Something I want to say
I guess you've known it for a while
But I mean trouble
I only want to see you smile
And I burst this bubble
The hardest thing is to let go

When love is real...
Like a flower loves a bee
But I know you're meant to give yourself to someone else
Not me

And I could carry on with you
Does that sound crazy?
I think you feel the same way too
And you can't face it
The hardest thing is to let go

But it's not defeat
When you set somebody free
And I know you're meant to be yourself with someone else
Not me

Can you let go?
‘Cause that's love that's real
Like a flower loves a bee
And you know you're meant to give yourself to someone else
Not me

Somebody else not me
Meant for somebody else not me
Somebody else not me


In the half light of the evening
I can almost see you glow
Can tell by the way you’re moving
Time may be right to let you know
You got many coloured halo,
The body of Venus, a babe rainbow
And if I come any closer I might fall into your silhouette
But the shape of things to come is constantly changing
So let it, so let it, so let it flow

La la la la lava lamp
La la la la lava lamp

Indigo, violet and blue
Can we meet where the edges blur?
Because I am coming at you
Like a bug eye heading for the burn
Truth is I can't stay away
No, I wanna let you light my volcano
And maybe it's just in my imagination
But you never know
Because the shape of things to come is constantly changing
So let it, so let it, so let it flow

La la la la lava lamp (I'd love to turn you on)
La la la la lava lamp (I'd love to turn you on)

La la la la lava lamp (I'd love to turn you on)
La la la la lava lamp (I'd love to turn you on)

So let it, so let it, so let it...
La la la la lava lamp (I'd love to turn you on)
La la la la lava lamp (I'd love to turn you on)


In for an evening
Of light entertainment
And who would believe you
Could worry the neighbours?
Come on over to my place
Playing with uranium
If it blows up in your face
See you on the other side
Come on over to my place

Playing with uranium
Reinvent the human race
You just got the invitation

We go undiscovered
‘Cause people are careless
One way or another
They'll never forget us

Come on over to my place
Playing with uranium
And if it blows up in your face
See you on the other side
Come on over to my place
Never be the same again
Reinvent the human race
You just got the invitation

Playing with uranium
Playing with uranium
Never be the same again
Because we're playing with uranium


(I was hallucinating, I was hallucinating)

I was hallucinating Elvis
Hawaii to Las Vegas
Special treatment all the way
Hallucinating Elvis
Missing 18 hours
Losing oxygen to the brain

Lying on the floor
There's a limit how much more I can take
Rhinestone inside my shoe
Because I’m turning into you

I was hallucinating, I was hallucinating, I was hallucinating...Elvis

FBI tapping the King's phone
74, he’s trapped in his home
Hidden cameras, 2-way mirror walls
Walkie-talkie, kung-fu
Then the president calls

I was hallucinating Elvis
Hawaii to Las Vegas
Special treatment all the way
Hallucinating Elvis
Missing 18 hours
Losing oxygen to the brain

Whoever has to know
Tune in to my show
What you see ain't what you get
I’m shooting movies and the TV set...

Elvis, Elvis, Elvis, Elvis

I was hallucinating Elvis
Hawaii to Las Vegas
Special treatment all the way
Hallucinating Elvis
Missing 18 hours
Losing oxygen to the brain

I was hallucinating, I was hallucinating, I was hallucinating...Elvis
Elvis, Elvis, Elvis, Elvis

Hallucinating, hallucinating, hallucinating


How to begin do I shed a skin?
Now that I am starting to remember
It takes a while
But you find a way to open up the door
Let demons walk
Now that I am starting to remember
Can't change my world

I was happy ever after
Was it only yesterday?
That I bought the dream?
But I don't sleep no more
Counting the hours
‘Til the dawn

Now that I am starting to remember
How to love
How to learn draw like a child
Run for miles and miles
Now that I am starting to remember
Who I am
Another lonely night ahead for me now
Buried in the darkening day
That lingers on
And drags me down
But you've got to believe
Time will heal.


Saw a close up of your pretty face
Overnight sensation
Smiling for cameras
From all around the world
If I rewind back to yesterday
And stop the tape there
No one knew who you were
But now they're at your door

I'm living in a pop trash movie
We star together in every scene
We’ll all be famous for just a few minutes
Part of a celluloid dream

Watching slow-mo going frame-by-frame
Might have blurred my vision
Your life went flashing by
Where did it all go wrong?

I'm living in a pop trash movie
We star together in every scene
We’ll all be famous for fifteen minutes
Part of a celluloid dream

I'll wait in the wings for you
I'll read your lines to you
But now the script is final you know, it's time to go
So we'll have to say goodbye

I'm living in a pop trash movie
We star together in every scene
We’ll all be famous for those fifteen minutes
Part of a celluloid dream
We star in every scene
And it's never quite what it seems


I'm living in a pop trash movie
I know we’ll make it with that pop trash - yeah
We’ll all be famous for those fifteen minutes
Part of a celluloid dream, yeah




Thirtysomething graduate - green eyes -
perfect Christian lady - candlelit dinner -
slim female figure - sense of humour -
extrovert where are you?...
where are you?...where are you?

Let's start as friends -
seeking soul mate – long-term relationship -
choose life - soul sister -
hippie chick for soul brother bluesman -
genuine American frog seeks princess..

Someone is perfect for you (when Mars meets Venus)
Do you wanna bet your life
They're gonna be perfect for you too? (Mars meets Venus)

New-age man - shake me up, wild girl - gay guy -
romantic German - Indian – long-term relationship -
beauty with brains - missing something -
say...are you the one?... are you the one?

Someone is perfect for you (when Mars meets Venus)
Do you wanna bet your life
They're gonna be perfect for you too? (Mars meets Venus)...

Here’s looking at you.


Here comes the morning light you can't face
Lie on your bed staring into space
Watch the time slip gently by
Don’t ask why

So many friends but nobody calls
Can’t be alone when the darkness falls
Got to make it to the party
Socialise, break the ice

Oh, Lady Xanax where were you last night?
All the cracks in your make-up are starting to show
Don’t think that you realise how far away you go now 
Look into the future and don't be afraid...afraid
Of what is on your mind

There, in the emptiness deep inside
You are the one that's been left behind
So you paint with your mascara
Social eyes, don't look twice

Oh, Lady Xanax where were you last night?
All the cracks in your make-up are starting to show
Don’t think that you realise how far away you go now
Look into the future and don't be afraid...afraid

Lady Xanax, you're out tonight
Lady Xanax, you're, oh, so tired
Lady Xanax, sleep well tonight

Lady Xanax  (Lady Xanax)


At the end of the rainbow
Found each other there
Strange, we never thought the colours would fade
Be easy to walk
But it's much harder to stay
Why, oh why, are we reckless today?

You and I
Got to hold on together
Because in this life
Maybe the sun doesn't shine forever

Could say that I'm sorry
But there's no one to blame
Anger seems to dissolve into tears
Been so many good times
Not only despair
Somehow we'll find the love we can share

You and I
Got to hold on together
Because in this life
Maybe the sun doesn't shine forever

You and I
Make this life for each other
Because I believe
We’ve got enough for when the sun doesn't shine
You and I
Got to hold on together
Because in this life
Maybe the sun doesn't shine forever




You get sucked in by the hype
Headlights in your eyes

Flame burns fast
Then your soul goes up in smoke
Where’s your faith in life?

Now what would you do
If there was no tomorrow?
And where would you go
If you knew this was your last day on Earth?

Having the time of your life
But you don't realise

Play to win
So you got to roll the dice
It’s a vicious game

One false move
That’s how fortunes change
And you're going down

Now what would you do
If there was no tomorrow?
And where would you go
If you knew this was your last day on Earth?

This is the time of your life
But you don't realise

Now what would you do
If you knew this was your last day on Earth?

I'd kiss you goodbye

Last chance, living, taking, giving, having,
losing, needing, loving, waking, standing,
hoping, dreaming, smiling, laughing, feeling,
crying, wanting something, touching, living….

Your last day on Earth

 M P 3   S a m p l e s

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